Interested in Volunteering?
It only takes 3 easy steps to get started.
Please read before you scroll!
March 17, 2023:
Due to the high volume of recent volunteers combined with the current size of our growing organization - we’ve reached our capacity for volunteers! Here’s what that means for this signup page: We will continue to accept applications but will not be hosting public orientations (after April) or scheduling follow-up meetings. We encourage you to apply (step 1) if you have experience working with multicultural communities, speak Russian, or possess a unique skill to further our mission. We will reach out if your application matches our current needs. Thank you for understanding as we grow into our ability to utilize your time and skills.
Step 1. Sign the Release Form and Complete the Volunteer Application.
Volunteer Application
Step 2. Attend a Volunteer Orientation
This is your chance to get to know Thrive better and see where you might fit best as a volunteer; it’s a one-hour crash course into our mission, values and volunteer opportunities and get a chance to tour Thrive Center. Orientations are held on a monthly basis so after filing out the volunteer application, simply attend whichever one fits your schedule best.
Step 3. Sign up for an appointment with Emily
After attending your orientation, schedule an appointment with Thrive’s volunteer coordinator Emily to talk about where you think you fit best with Thrive.