Partnering for Ukraine

On March 24th, President Biden announced that up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees would be accepted into the United States, primarily focusing on those with family already in the country.

What many people may not realize is that Spokane is home to roughly 50,000 Slavic citizens, including many first-generation Ukrainian immigrants. 

What positions Spokane as a strategic place of refuge in the Ukraine war is that almost every Ukrainian refugee in Spokane has a connection here through either family or friends.

This is the reason that Thrive International has teamed up with the Ukraine Relief Coalition (URC); the URC’s extensive network helps us communicate our services to Ukrainians who need housing and aid. Without their help in reaching out to the Slavic community, there would be many Ukrainians unreached. 

The partnership between Thrive and URC is essentially this: Thrive provides the technical and operational support for Ukrainian relief, while the URC provides the human network within the Slavic community. 

The URC is led by former city planner, and current pastor Boris Borisov.

He is joined by Anna Bondarenko, Vladimir Kronin, Tanya Wann, Violet Tsyukalo, Mariya Kovalyov, Albina Semivrazhnov, Mark Drovorub, Roman Oberemok, Daniel Kovalyovand, and Andrey Tsyukalo.

To read more about the URC, please visit their website. 


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