Governor Inslee Visits Thrive Center, Reaffirming Thrive’s Commitment to Welcome Refugees.
By Nara Shin
After being welcomed in a traditional Ukrainian greeting, the Governor and his wife pose for a picture with Thrive Center resident, Yulia Boicheva.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee visited Thrive Center on Wednesday, April 5, to meet Thrive residents and refugees in Spokane and learn more about how Thrive International is working to build an inclusive community in Spokane and address the large recent influx of refugees from the ongoing war in Ukraine.
At around 2 pm, people started gathering at the entrance of the Thrive Center to greet Gov. Inslee. The Center, packed with photographers, news reporters, Thrive residents, staff, and refugees from Afghanistan, Congo, Thailand, and Ukraine (refugees from each population we serve), waited in anticipation in the lobby.
When Gov. Inslee entered the Center, Yulia Boicheva, a Ukrainian refugee wearing a traditional Vyshyvanka dress, held Korovai – a customary Ukrainian bread symbolic of blessing and gratitude–to greet him. She said, “Welcome to Thrive Center. Thank you so much for welcoming our people and our nation to your state. Washington State became a safe home to us. We are thankful for all the support and assistance we have received. The bread and salt symbolize the hospitality of the Ukrainian people. Dearest guests are always greeted with bread and salt. Thank you for visiting us today.”
While touring inside Thrive Center, Gov. Inslee stopped to admire the mural painted by a Ukrainian resident, Yelyzaveta Shchukina, a painter from Odesa. Full of blue sky and sunflowers, Shchukina told the Governor that her drawing symbolizes peace between Ukraine and the United States of America through the symbolism of colors in the Ukrainian flag and a Bald Eagle in the sky.
The Governor and his wife pose in front of the mural painted by Thrive Center resident, Yelyzaveta Shchukina.
Throughout the visit, Gov. Inslee and Thrive’s Executive Director Mark Finney toured the Center’s event rooms, resident halls, and the main lobby.
After the tour, Gov. Inslee sat with refugees, board members, and community leaders to have lunch and discuss how Washington State is working for refugees and immigrant programs. Gov. Inslee shared his recent story of meeting President Zelenskyy and being inspired to continue to welcome refugees from Ukraine.
Governor Inslee eats lunch at the end of his tour of Thrive Center.
“He [President Zelenskky] was amazingly optimistic and very encouraging. What it meant to me is he believes we’re going to prevail in this conflict, and he’s already thinking about how to rebuild. He asked us to provide the investment necessary to do that; rebuilding. It was encouraging because it shows that he was optimistic about the ultimate revolution. And I think he should be optimistic, partly because I believe the United States will also continue to be. I told him you should be confident that America will stand with you.”
With the significant Ukrainian refugee population in the state, Gov. Inslee was proud of Washington state, and all the efforts that Thrive and other non-profit organizations for refugees were making. He said, “We have been blessed by refugees, and we intend to continue these efforts in every way that we can. So I want to thank you for joining our state.”