Thrive International

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Empowering Underserved Voices

By Aaron Phan

Sonia is the newest member of the Thrive Seattle team, joining as its first on-staff immigration attorney! Today, we sat down with Sonia to learn more about her story, her relationship with the immigrant community, and how her advocacy is making a difference here at Thrive!

How would you describe the work you do at Thrive?

Sonia: As immigration staff attorney, my work focuses on initiating and establishing a status for individuals here in the U.S. I work personally with each of our program participants to ensure that everyone is on their way towards earning their asylum status and becoming fully equipped to thrive in our community.

How did your journey before Thrive begin?

Sonia: My parents migrated to the U.S. from Mexico and raised me in Washington, where I’ve lived my whole life. As a second generation immigrant myself, I’ve always been involved in immigrant and POC communities, whether by volunteering at churches, interpreting at immigration clinics and health fairs, and even helping to organize community events.

After earning my degree in journalism at the University of Washington, I spent a few years working in print news and broadcasting before coming to realize that I’ve always been an advocate at heart. I’ve always been driven to speak up for those who haven’t been able to speak for themselves, and for underserved communities especially. So, I followed my passions to the Seattle University school of law to specialize in immigration, and use my background to uplift my community.

How has your journey led you to Thrive Seattle?

Sonia: Before Thrive, I had already begun living out my mission by volunteering my services for members of the Spanish-speaking community. They would support my early career by approaching me about facilitating immigration, family, and property cases, and in turn I would support their access pro bono.

That work continued with me being a part of the immigration justice clinic at Seattle U, when my professor introduced me to clinics that were being run at the Thrive Center, where I could reach even more vulnerable members of the community, and to Anna.

What I remember most about being asked by Anna to become part of the Thrive team was the excitement I felt about meeting a person and organization whose values resonated so much with mine. As an advocate, I’m committed to uplifting and promoting dignity in our immigrant and POC communities, and I saw that commitment embodied by Thrive, and its mission to empower historically underserved communities.

Why do you enjoy working at Thrive Seattle?

Sonia: I especially enjoy my relationship with the residents here at Thrive. It’s almost like seeing each other as old friends because we share a language and culture. It’s a privilege to return my support to the Spanish-speaking community which has supported me on my path for so long, and to hear how much trust and assurance they find in being able to work with me – a familiar face who speaks their language.

Hearing out their stories and the trauma that they’ve endured is difficult, but it’s ultimately so rewarding to be able to connect with them and reach back to them with hope and solidarity. I work hard to provide them both the professionality they’re entitled to, and the vulnerability, empathy, and compassion that they deserve.

What are your goals here at Thrive and beyond?

Sonia: At Thrive, my biggest mission right now is to make sure that every asylum case that has not yet been filed gets filed. It’s a very time-sensitive issue, because if an asylum seeker’s case isn’t filed one year after arriving, they virtually lose their chance at asylum status. So, making sure that every outstanding case has been completed is the first step towards helping them thrive.

Outside the Center, since my life has revolved around working and becoming a lawyer for so long, I want to focus on my personal goals, like planning my wedding without losing my mind! I want to continue to travel the world, and continue to strive toward becoming a global citizen – to understand and empathize with other cultures. I want to press on in my relentless pursuit of my full potential, and to always remain an unwavering advocate in all areas of my life.

How has Thrive helped you thrive?

Sonia: Being a part of Thrive has given me the opportunity to connect personally with the immigrant community and professionally with the legal community. I’m filled with gratitude for being able to practice and perfect my craft as part of an organization which does such meaningful work.